Online ISEE tutoring by veteran tutor Matt Sheelen


Matt Sheelen is our ISEE test prep specialist, and has worked with dozens of students over the years who are applying to selective private schools like Bishop's and Francis Parker. Not only is Matt a wonderful tutor, but he's also funny, down-to-earth, and has a knack for getting along with all kinds of different people.

P.S. Matt also offers SSAT tutoring and HSPT tutoring.

Zoom works really well for online tutoring! We can share materials so we're literally on the same page, record the session so you can review it later, and draw on the screen so you get a visual of what we're explaining.

In our view, the most important question for parents to ask is this:


"Who will be the person teaching my kid?"


Our competitors hire college students and train them, whereas we only hire long-time teachers.

We're probably the most expensive tutors in San Diego. Why? In stark contrast to our competitors who employ a rotating cast of 23-year-olds, our tutors have an average of 12 years of experience. We pay them really well because we only hire tutors who are extremely good at what they do. If you're trying for a high score, you need an expert, not a dilettante.

One-on-one ISEE tutoring, with us, is completely customized to your learning style, personality, and needs.

Talking through the nuances of ISEE practice questions not only allows us to explain, in detail, the strategies that work, but that conversation also allows us to see what a student is thinking, ask the right questions to test understanding, and adjust our instruction minute-by-minute.


"What are the benefits of private ISEE tutoring?"

  • Instruction tailored to your child's learning style, motivation level, and personality
  • The opportunity to talk through the nuances of questions with someone with several years of experience with the test
  • Homework adjusted to your specific needs
  • Accountability and encouragement :)


Frequently Asked Questions


  • How many sessions a week do you recommend?
    It's all about what works for you. Some kids do well with just a session per week; others benefit from a couple. Let's talk and figure out what’s best.

  • What kind of prep materials do you offer?
    We’ve got an arsenal of practice tests, quizzes, and review materials to get your child familiar and comfortable with what they'll see on exam day.

  • Is online tutoring available?
    Absolutely. In fact, Matt only offers tutoring online, not in-person.

  • How much does it cost?
    $225 per hour, or $2030 for 10 hours.

  • How can I track my child's progress?
    We’ll keep you in the loop with regular progress reports and feedback. You'll know exactly how things are going.


Private ISEE tutoring is simply the most effective and efficient way to raise scores.


Look for Matt's location and pricing in his bio.

Matt: I am originally from Hopkinton, Massachusetts - the start of the historic Boston Marathon. I went to college at Northwestern University, where I graduated with a degree in Theatre. After college, I wised up and moved to the warmer coast. I worked in Los Angeles for many years as a full-time test-prep tutor and part-time arts educator.

I have been tutoring the ISEE for over 13 years both in Los Angeles and San Diego. Past students have gone on to attend schools including Harvard Westlake, Marlborough School, Bishops, La Jolla Country Day, Francis Parker, Our Lady of Peace, Cathedral Catholic, and more. A few years ago, I moved to San Diego after getting a M.A. in Education from Stanford University, and I currently work as a credentialed K-12 classroom teacher.

When I’m not working, I enjoy good books, performing improv comedy, surfing, watching Game of Thrones, and enjoying the charms of San Diego. I live in North Park, where I love to get out and take advantage of all the delicious food in the area. I am also a huge Boston sports fan - the Patriots, Red Sox, and Celtics are my favorite teams. I usually have something in common with every student - my interests are really diverse!

ISEE tutoring with Matt is $250 an hour ($225 / hour for 10 or more hours). He meets with students online via Zoom, and in person in North Park or Mission Valley. Matt specializes in helping students navigate private school admissions tests and achieve their desired scores.


"Matt is a true professional who sincerely cares about his students. My daughter prepared for the ISEE with Matt for several weeks. Not only was Matt cognizant of what was required on the test, but he also provided support and guidance on how to remain positive and focused in the lead up to the test. My daughter really enjoyed her zoom tutoring sessions and Matt was able to effectively conduct all of her sessions online. He used her time well, knew where she had weaknesses and had a clear plan of how to help her improve on weaker areas. I have no hesitation in recommending Matt. We also used Matt for our other daughter who also sat the ISEE two years prior and she was accepted into her first choice school." - Therese Collins

"Matt Sheelen is a fantastic ISEE tutor! He helped my daughter increase her scores significantly. She had never even taken a standardized test before. She had private tutoring with Matt on Zoom for 7 weeks. He was extremely knowledgeable, proactive, transparent, and such a kind person. We crammed in a lot of sessions in a short period of time. The strategy was always fluid depending on how my daughter was progressing. He was candid about her strengths and weaknesses, and when our strategy needed to be tweaked. I appreciated his honesty immensely. She applied to the three best private middle schools in San Diego, and got into two and is waitlisted at the other. I am certain that without his help, she wouldn’t have had strong enough ISEE scores to get into those schools. We are forever grateful to Matt! - Karina

Matt Sheelen

Matt Sheelen SAT Test Prep Tutor Matt Sheelen SAT Test Prep Tutor Matt Sheelen SAT Test Prep Tutor

"Our daughter worked with Matt Sheelen to prepare for the ACT, and she could not have been more pleased. Matt gave her clear strategies to improve in the areas that she needed to most, and, from her 1st practice test to the real test, she raised her score 8 points! She did so well on the actual test the 1st time she took it, that she did not even need to re-take it, as many students choose to do. On top of Matt's expertise, he happens to be a really great guy that relates well to teens (and their parents :-) ). My daughter really enjoyed working with him and we highly recommend him."

- ACT Parent

"My 17 year old daughter used Blake this past summer for a month to help her improve her SAT scores for college admittance. Blake thoroughly trained her for the test and she felt prepared going in on text day. Her scores went up 200 points with Blake's fantastic tutoring help. She got a 1250 and is thrilled. Blake is worth every penny of your time. Thank you again."

- SAT Parent

"My daughter worked with Bronte D’Acquisto for about two months to prepare for her SAT and ACT. Bronte’s help was invaluable! She assessed where Fiona’s strong points and weak points were on both tests, and worked to improve on the weak points. They offered proctored practice tests so you can take the test in a testing situation, which I highly recommend. My daughter got exceptional scores on both tests on the first attempt, and I think Bronte’s focused tutoring made all the difference. Thank you!!"

- ACT Parent

"(Student) and I will always be grateful to you, Vince, for all the support and guidance you provided to him which enabled him to do amazing on his SAT. He was also thrilled that he only had to take it one time. I will admit, getting private SAT tutoring was definitely a sacrifice...especially being both a single mom and a teacher, but it was honestly the absolute BEST investment. His GPA is not very high, so I know his SAT score really helped him, not only with being admitted to every school he applied to, but also with the merit scholarships he earned. They offered him a guaranteed slot into their direct entry doctor of physical therapy program as well as a full-tuition scholarship beginning freshman year and continuing until the completion of his doctoral program."

- SAT Parent, The Bishop's School