Woman studying for the GRE

Vince's Free GRE Videos


Over the years, I've made over 200 GRE prep videos and put them on YouTube. To help you navigate some of the important ones, I've divided them into playlists:

Look for the description below each playlist.

The math videos include explanations of all the questions in the ETS Quantitative Reasoning Practice Book.

Pro tip: click on the "hamburger icon" (the icon with 3 lines) near the top right corner of each playlist to bring up a navigation menu for that playlist.


GRE Math Videos

12 essential GRE math strategy videos. Vince's pick: Backsolving.


ETS Quantitative Reasoning Practice Book Solutions: Arithmetic Chapter. Vince's pick (from Powerprep Online Test 1): Percent Change


ETS Quantitative Reasoning Practice Book Solutions: Algebra Chapter


ETS Quantitative Reasoning Practice Book Solutions: Geometry Chapter


ETS Quantitative Reasoning Practice Book Solutions: Data Analysis Chapter


ETS Quantitative Reasoning Practice Book Solutions: Mixed Practice Set 1


ETS Quantitative Reasoning Practice Book Solutions: Mixed Practice Set 2


ETS Quantitative Reasoning Practice Book Solutions: Mixed Practice Set 3


GRE Verbal and Essay Videos


15 GRE Verbal and Essay Strategies. Vince's pick: Primary Purpose Questions or Inference Questions.


GRE Vocabulary Videos


Videos for some of my GRE vocabulary cartoons flashcards.


How To Study For The GRE Videos


12 GRE Studying Tips Videos.


GRE Fun Facts & More. Vince's pick: Understanding GRE Scoring.


If you liked these videos, check out my other free GRE resources!

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